Music Won’t Stop 04.09.20
According to me this is my best song so far! 💫 The melodies, lyrics, production and meaning of it is 100% me. I hope it’ll [...]
According to me this is my best song so far! 💫 The melodies, lyrics, production and meaning of it is 100% me. I hope it’ll [...]
I'm releasing new music next week! Are you ready for summer? 🥥💜🧢👙☀️ Photographer Jesper Anhede
Feel-good & laid-back pop is the main influence in my own songwriting, and I'm particularly in to 90's vibes. This playlist is a mix of [...]
I'm so happy for all the nice comments on my latest single Heaven. Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting. It means a lot :) [...]
I hesitated a lot before releasing Play Pretend, since it's very personal and also different sound-wise to my previous songs. Today it's my most streamed [...]
Looking back at my music year 2018 I'm so happy and proud for many things. Here are my highlights! On January 5th I released my [...]
Surprise! My third single 'Station' will drop down this Friday. Stay tuned <3 /Cecilia
You might recognize Unfeather from the TV series Veni Vidi Vici! It's finally time to release it as a single - already this Friday! I [...]
Hey! You'd better start follow me on my YouTube channel, because I just got a challenge! Follow me HERE. My first single RUNAWAY will [...]